NGC 6822 (Bernard's Galaxy)
This is an irregular galaxy in our local group (1.8 million light years distant). Although it’s 9.3 magnitude its light is highly diffused over a 16 arc-minute section of sky, rendering it pretty darned challenging. The moon is down, but the galaxy is low in the south. Perhaps I’m tired and plan on going in early tonight, or perhaps I’m racing the moon, because I opt for binning the chip, rendering the camera 4-times more sensitive than usual.
6822 18 Oct 08, 20:09 – 20:30 hrs.
Meade 14” LX200GPS @ f/2.0 Meade
DSI III Pro binned 2X and cooled to 12°C, Astronomik CLS filter, 15 X 90
Note 15.9 magnitude galaxy PGC 63596 just a few arc minutes from 6822 and at the
1 a clock position.