Photos by Pete
The Whirlpool Galaxy
NGC 2024 - the Flame Nebula
Messier Object 13 - the Great Cluster in Hercules
NGC 6946 - Caldwell 12 - the Fireworks Galaxy
Messier Object 27 - the Dumbbell Nebula
is an example of a star that has collapsed and shed its outer shell, creating
mass of ionized particles. Click the thumbnail for a larger view.
Object 57 - the Ring Nebula
is another collapsed star with an ionized and illuminated
shell being propelled
into space.
Uranus, with 3 moons visible
Luna - Mare Imbrium area
Globular cluster M56 in Cygnus
Dwarf Planet
NGC 6826 - the Blinking Nebula
Neptune and Triton
- The Wild Duck cluster
is an "open cluster")
Galaxy NGC 7479
Planetary Nebula NGC 7048
Luna - Tycho crater area
M42 - the Great Orion Nebula
IC 434 - the Horsehead Nebula
Comet P/17 Holmes
NGC 3166 Galaxy Group
Galaxy M81
Comet C/2006 W3 Christensen
Comet 46P-Wirtanen
Open cluster M67
The Sombrero Galaxy
Comet C2009/P1 Garradd
Object 33 - the Pinwheel Galaxy
Nebula M78 in Orion
Galaxy M 109
NGC 457
the E.T. Cluster
Open cluster M37
Open cluster M38
The Double Quasar
(Gravitational lensing)
Globular Cluster M 92
A star goes Nova in the
constellation Cygnus
The Pillars of Creation, at
the heart of M 16, the Eagle Nebula
NGC 7331
the Dear Lick Galaxy Cluster
NGC 6822 - Bernard's Galaxy
Comet C2007N3 Lulin
A Galilean moon
tranists Jupiter
Galaxy M102
(the Spindle Galaxy)